Capstone Project

The final capstone project provides students with an opportunity to apply their skills and techniques to real-world data sets. Each student will collect their own data for this project, either using a survey based tool (Google Forms) or an observational study (Google Sheets). A complete report receives 30 points.

Learning Objectives

  1. Learners are able to critically assess the data collection tools of colleagues and provide constructive feedback
  2. Learners are able to plan a self-directed sampling schedule according to their required sample size and personal limitations
  3. Learners can apply the skills obtained during the course to write a short data analysis project report.
  4. Learners can manipulate and analyse their data to answer their stated research questions
  5. Learners can critically assess their success in answering their stated research questions

GitHub repository

The GitHub repository for this project was an assignment of Module 6. This repository will now be used to prepare the data and the final report:

GitHub issue tracker

The GitHub issue tracker of each student’s capstone project repository is used to communicate and ask questions about the Capstone Project report. It is up to the course participants to use this tool to ask questions and get feedback from the course instructors. The following GitHub usernames can be tagged: @larnsce, @elizabeth-tilley, @bonschorno.

Submission due date

The due date for submission of the report is Tuesday, 06th June 2024.

Required items

Table 1 is a detailed list of items that need to be included for a complete submission of the capstone project report. Items are categorized into technical, data, and intellectual tasks. If any item is unclear, please reach out to the course instructors.

This list is also accessible as a Google Sheet from where you could make yourself a copy and track your progress as a checklist:

Table 1: List of items to be completed for the capstone project report.
no category items points
1 technical The report renders without errors to HTML format and contains at least five chapters of heading level 1 that are named: Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusions, References. 1.0
2 technical YAML header of report has title, author, date, and table of contents that are correctly displayed in the compiled HTML output. 1.0
3 technical Warnings are hidden from the compiled output, but code is shown in the compiled output. 1.0
4 technical The report has at least two data visualisations. 1.0
5 technical Each data visualisation has edited human-readable labels (e.g. axis labels, legend title). 1.0
6 technical Each data visualisation applies at least of one scaling function (e.g. color/fill, axes). 1.0
7 technical Each data visualisation has a label defined in the code-chunk options. 0.5
8 technical Each data visualisation has a caption defined in the code-chunk options. 0.5
9 technical Each data visualisation is cross-referenced in the narrative using the defined label from the code-chunk options. 0.5
10 technical The report has at least one table with summary statistics (e.g. count, mean, median, standard deviation, etc.). 1.0
11 technical Each table is formatted in the rendered output using a function taught during the course (e.g. kable() function or gt() function). 1.0
12 technical Each table has a label defined in the code-chunk options. 0.5
13 technical Each table has a caption defined in the code-chunk options. 0.5
14 technical Each table is cross-referenced in the narrative using the defined label from the code-chunk options. 0.5
15 technical The report includes at least 3 citations using a bibliography.bib file exported from a collection of references on Zotero. 1.0
16 technical References are automatically listed in References section from YAML entry to bibliography.bib file. 1.0
17 technical Data from Google Sheet is stored in data/raw using a script in 01-data-download.R in project-USERNAME repository 1.0
18 data Data from data/raw folder was imported, cleaned, and stored as analysis-ready processed data in data/processed folder using R code written in 02-data-cleaning.R 1.0
19 data The data/processed folder contains a data dictionary.csv file with two columns (variable_name, description) which document each variable of the data in the same folder. 1.0
20 data The data/processed folder contains a file from a provided template and documentation is completed for the data in the same folder. 1.0
21 publish The capstone project report is published using GitHub Pages. See instructions below. 1.0
21 intellectual Introduction section with 3 to 5 sentences introduces the context within which the data was created. 2.0
22 intellectual Methods section describes in 3 to 5 sentences how the data was obtained. 4.0
23 intellectual Figures and tables in Results section are interpreted with 2 to 3 sentences each. 4.0
24 intellectual Conclusions concisely summarize findings in a bullet point format. 2.0

Publish report to GitHub Pages & Submit

Your report is concluded by publishing it to GitHub Pages and submitting the link through a GitHub issue on your capstone project repository. Please tag the course instructors in the issue: @larnsce, @elizabeth-tilley, @bonschorno. We will review the report and provide feedback.

Screenshots show different GitHub organization

Please note that the screenshots in this section show the GitHub organization for a class titled “ds4owd-001”. Your repositories are stored in the GitHub organization “rbtl-fs24”. Please keep that in mind when working through the steps.

Make repo public

If your repository’s visibility is set to “private” (indicated by a small padlock next to the repositories name), you first need to switch it to “public” by following these steps:

  1. Click on “Settings”.

  1. Stay on “General” and scroll down to the bottom of the page “Danger Zone”.

  1. On the first sub-heading “Change repository visibility”, click “Change visibility”, then “Change to public”.

  1. Click “I want to make this repository public”.

  1. Click “I have read and understand these effects”.
  2. Click “Make this repository public”.
  3. Provide the requested credentials.
  4. Done.

Publish with GitHub Pages

  1. Open your capstone project repository, and click on “Settings”.

  1. In the left navigation pane, click on “Pages” under “Code and automation”.

  1. Under “Build and deployment”, then under Branch, click the dropdown titled “None”.

  1. In the dropdown, select “main”.

  1. Click on the dropdown titled “/ (root)”. In the dropdown, select “/docs”.

  1. Click “Save”.

Edit “About” of repository

  1. Open your capstone project repository.

  1. On right side, next to “About”, click on the gear icon.

  1. Under “Description” you can add “This project report was prepared for the data science for openwashdata course.” or anything else that you would like to highlight.

  1. Under “Website”, click “User your GitHub Pages website”.

  1. Under “Include in the home page”, you can remove the checked boxes.

  2. Click “Save changes”.

  3. The public URL of your repository will now be shown under “About” on the right side.

  1. Open your published website and enjoy.

  2. Submit the link to your report in a GitHub issue on your capstone project repository. Tag the course instructors: @larnsce, @elizabeth-tilley, @bonschorno.