Data import & Data organization in spreadsheets

Research Beyond the Lab: Open Science and Research Methods for a Global Engineer

Lars Schöbitz


Learning Objectives (for this module)

  1. Learners can import data from files in CSV and XLSX format located in sub-directories of the root directory.
  2. Learners can explain the difference between the vector class character and the vector class factor.
  3. Learners can discuss the difference between unprocessed raw data, processed analysis-ready data, and data underlying a publication.
  4. Learners can apply 12 principles for data organisation in spreadsheets to the layout of a provided dataset.

Homework module 3

Task 3: Data for a country of your choice

  • for the country you live or work in
  • for the year 2000 and 2020
  • for all variables that are not “safely managed sanitation services”

Task 3: Data for a country of your choice

  • for the country you live or work in
  • for the year 2000 and 2020
  • for all variables that are not “safely managed sanitation services”
sanitation_uga <- sanitation |> 
  filter(iso3 == "UGA",
         year %in% c(2000, 2020), 
         varname_short != "san_sm")

Task 3: Data for a country of your choice

  • for the country you live or work in
  • for the year 2000 and 2020
  • for all variables that are not “safely managed sanitation services”
sanitation_uga <- sanitation |> 
  filter(iso3 == "UGA",
         year %in% c(2000, 2020), 
         varname_short != "san_sm")

Task 3: Data for a country of your choice

  • for the country you live or work in
  • for the year 2000 and 2020
  • for all variables that are not “safely managed sanitation services”
sanitation_uga <- sanitation |> 
  filter(iso3 == "UGA",
         year == 2000 | year == 2020, 
         varname_short != "san_sm")

sanitation_uga |> 
  count(iso3, year, varname_short)

iso3 year varname_short n
UGA 2000 san_bas 3
UGA 2000 san_lim 3
UGA 2000 san_od 3
UGA 2000 san_unimp 3
UGA 2020 san_bas 3
UGA 2020 san_lim 3
UGA 2020 san_od 3
UGA 2020 san_unimp 3

Task 3: Data for a country of your choice

  • for the country you live or work in
  • for the year 2000 and 2020
  • for all variables that are not “safely managed sanitation services”
sanitation_uga <- sanitation |> 
  filter(iso3 == "UGA",
         year == 2000, year == 2020, 
         varname_short != "san_sm")

sanitation_uga |> 
  count(iso3, year, varname_short)

iso3 year varname_short n

# A tibble: 0 × 4
# ℹ 4 variables: iso3 <chr>, year <dbl>, varname_short <chr>, n <int>
  • One row cannot have two values (2000 and 2020) for the same variable
  • One year cannot 2000 & 2020 at the same time
  • One year is either 2000 or 2020

Task 5 & 6: Make a plot & inspect it

  1. Look at the plot that you created. What do you notice about the order of the bars / order of the legend?
  2. What would you want to change?
  3. Why did we remove “safely managed sanitation services” from the data set in Task 3?

Task 5 & 6: Make a plot & inspect it

  1. Look at the plot that you created. What do you notice about the order of the bars / order of the legend? alphabetical order
  2. What would you want to change? put in order of the “sanitation ladder”
  3. Why did we remove “safely managed sanitation services” from the data set in Task 3?

Task 5 & 6: Make a plot & inspect it

  1. Look at the plot that you created. What do you notice about the order of the bars / order of the legend? alphabetical order
  2. What would you want to change? put in order of the “sanitation ladder”
  3. Why did we remove “safely managed sanitation services” from the data set in Task 3?

Sanitation ladder?

varname_short varname_long simplified
san_sm safely managed sanitation services a decent toilet that's not shared, and where pee & poo safely moved & treated
san_bas basic sanitation services (improved sanitation facilities which are not shared) a decent toilet that's not shared
san_lim limited sanitation services (improved sanitation facilities which are shared) a decent toilet that's shared
san_unimp unimproved sanitation facilities an inadequate toilet
san_od no sanitation facilities (open defecation) no toilet

Task 5 & 6: Make a plot & inspect it

  1. Look at the plot that you created. What do you notice about the order of the bars / order of the legend? alphabetical order
  2. What would you want to change? put in order of the “sanitation ladder”
  3. Why did we remove “safely managed sanitation services” from the data set in Task 3?

Task 5 & 6: Make a plot & inspect it

  1. Look at the plot that you created. What do you notice about the order of the bars / order of the legend? alphabetical order
  2. What would you want to change? put in order of the “sanitation ladder”
  3. Why did we remove “safely managed sanitation services” from the data set in Task 3? because the total adds up to greater 100%, a fraction of people with basic services have safely managed services

Task 5 & 6: Make a plot & inspect it

  1. Look at the plot that you created. What do you notice about the order of the bars / order of the legend? alphabetical order
  2. What would you want to change? put in order of the “sanitation ladder”
  3. Why did we remove “safely managed sanitation services” from the data set in Task 3? because the total adds up to greater 100%, a fraction of people with basic services have safely managed services

Types of variables - Remember?


discrete variables

  • non-negative
  • whole numbers
  • e.g. number of students, roll of a dice

continuous variables

  • infinite number of values
  • also dates and times
  • e.g. length, weight, size


categorical variables

  • finite number of values
  • distinct groups (e.g. EU countries, continents)
  • ordinal if levels have natural ordering (e.g. week days, school grades)

Factors in R

My turn: Factors in R

Sit back and enjoy!

Take a break

Please get up and move! Let your emails rest in peace.

This is the prompt generated by DALL-E 3 by OpenAI: A pixel art scene representing the concept of taking a break. The scene shows a serene outdoor setting with a clear blue sky. In the center, a small pixelated character is sitting comfortably on a bright green grassy hill, under the shade of a large, leafy tree. The character is depicted in a relaxed pose, perhaps sipping a warm beverage from a small cup. Nearby, a gentle stream flows, and a few fluffy white clouds drift in the sky. The overall mood of the image is peaceful and calming, emphasizing the tranquility of taking a break in nature.

Your turn: md-04a-exercises - factors

  1. Open in your browser (use your bookmark).
  2. Open the rbtl-fs24 workspace for the course.
  3. In the File Manager in the bottom right window, locate the md-04a-factors-your-turn.qmd file and click on it to open it in the top left window.
  4. Follow instructions in the file

Data import

Reading rectangular data into R



  • read_csv() - comma delimited files
  • read_csv2() - semicolon separated files (common in countries where , is used as the decimal place)
  • read_tsv() - tab delimited files
  • read_delim() - reads in files with any delimiter


  • read_excel() - read xls or xlsx files

Reading data from CSV files

  • import unprocessed raw data
waste <- read_csv("data/raw/waste-city-level.csv")

# A tibble: 367 × 113
   iso3c region_id country_name       income_id city_name additional_data_annu…¹
   <chr> <chr>     <chr>              <chr>     <chr>     <chr>                 
 1 AFG   SAS       Afghanistan        LIC       Jalalabad <NA>                  
 2 AFG   SAS       Afghanistan        LIC       Kandahar  <NA>                  
 3 AFG   SAS       Afghanistan        LIC       Mazar-E-… <NA>                  
 4 AFG   SAS       Afghanistan        LIC       Kabul     <NA>                  
 5 AFG   SAS       Afghanistan        LIC       Hirat    <NA>                  
 6 AGO   SSF       Angola             LMC       Luanda    <NA>                  
 7 ALB   ECS       Albania            UMC       Korca     <NA>                  
 8 ALB   ECS       Albania            UMC       Vlora     <NA>                  
 9 ARE   MEA       United Arab Emira… HIC       Abu Dhabi <NA>                  
10 ARE   MEA       United Arab Emira… HIC       Dubai     <NA>                  
# ℹ 357 more rows
# ℹ abbreviated name: ¹​additional_data_annual_budget_for_waste_management_year
# ℹ 107 more variables: additional_data_annual_solid_waste_budget_year <chr>,
#   additional_data_annual_swm_budget_2017_year <dbl>,
#   additional_data_annual_swm_budget_year <dbl>,
#   additional_data_annual_waste_budget_year <dbl>,
#   additional_data_collection_ton <dbl>, …

Writing data as CSV files

  • transform data
  • export processed analysis-ready data
# data transformation
waste_sml <- waste |> 
  select(country_name, city_name, iso3c, income_id,
         population_population_number_of_people) |> 
  rename(country = country_name,
         city = city_name,
         generation_tons_year = total_msw_total_msw_generated_tons_year,
         population = population_population_number_of_people)

# export processed analysis-ready data
write_csv(waste_sml, "data/processed/waste-city-level-sml.csv")

Reading data from XLSX files

  • import unprocessed raw data
sludge <- read_excel("data/raw/tbl-01-faecal-sludge-analysis.xlsx",
                     sheet = 1)
# A tibble: 20 × 6
      id date_sample         system      location      users     ts
   <dbl> <dttm>              <chr>       <chr>         <dbl>  <dbl>
 1     1 2023-11-01 00:00:00 pit latrine household         5 136.  
 2     2 2023-11-01 00:00:00 pit latrine household         7 102.  
 3     3 2023-11-01 00:00:00 pit latrine household        NA  57.0 
 4     4 2023-11-01 00:00:00 pit latrine household         6  27.0 
 5     5 2023-11-01 00:00:00 pit latrine household        12  97.3 
 6     6 2023-11-02 00:00:00 septic tank household         7  78.2 
 7     7 2023-11-02 00:00:00 septic tank household        14  15.2 
 8     8 2023-11-02 00:00:00 septic tank household         4  29.4 
 9     9 2023-11-02 00:00:00 septic tank household        10  64.2 
10    10 2023-11-02 00:00:00 septic tank household        12   8.01
11    11 2023-11-03 00:00:00 pit latrine public toilet    50  11.2 
12    12 2023-11-03 00:00:00 pit latrine public toilet    32  84.0 
13    13 2023-11-03 00:00:00 pit latrine public toilet    41  55.9 
14    14 2023-11-03 00:00:00 pit latrine public toilet   160  15.3 
15    15 2023-11-03 00:00:00 pit latrine public toilet    20  22.6 
16    16 2023-11-04 00:00:00 septic tank public toilet    26   8.72
17    17 2023-11-04 00:00:00 septic tank public toilet    91  43.9 
18    18 2023-11-04 00:00:00 septic tank public toilet    68  10.4 
19    19 2023-11-04 00:00:00 septic tank public toilet   112  23.2 
20    20 2023-11-04 00:00:00 septic tank public toilet    59  15.6 

Writing data as CSV files

  • transform data
  • export data underlying a publication
# data transformation
tbl_sludge_summary <- sludge |> 
  filter(! |> 
  group_by(system, location) |> 
    count = n(),
    mean_ts = mean(ts),
    sd_ts = sd(ts),
    median_ts = median(ts)

# export data underlying a publication 
write_csv(tbl_sludge_summary, "data/final/tbl-01-faecal-sludge-summary.csv")
system location count mean_ts sd_ts median_ts
pit latrine household 4 90.7 45.9 99.9
pit latrine public toilet 5 37.8 31.3 22.6
septic tank household 5 39.0 30.8 29.4
septic tank public toilet 5 20.4 14.3 15.6

(Research) Data Management

Examples of terms used when managing data.
term folder explanation file format
unprocessed raw data raw data that is not processed and remains in its original form and file often XLSX, also CSV and others
processed analysis-ready data processed data that is processed to prepare for an analysis and is exported in its new form as a new file CSV
final data underlying a publication final data that is the result of an analysis (e.g descriptive statistics or data visualization) and shown in a report, but then also exported in its new form as a new file CSV

Take a break

Please get up and move! Let your emails rest in peace.

This is the prompt generated by DALL-E 3 by OpenAI: A pixel art scene representing the concept of taking a break. The scene shows a serene outdoor setting with a clear blue sky. In the center, a small pixelated character is sitting comfortably on a bright green grassy hill, under the shade of a large, leafy tree. The character is depicted in a relaxed pose, perhaps sipping a warm beverage from a small cup. Nearby, a gentle stream flows, and a few fluffy white clouds drift in the sky. The overall mood of the image is peaceful and calming, emphasizing the tranquility of taking a break in nature.

Your turn: md-04a-exercises - import

  1. Open in your browser (use your bookmark).
  2. Open the rbtl-fs24 workspace for the course.
  3. In the File Manager in the bottom right window, locate the md-04b-import-your-turn.qmd file and click on it to open it in the top left window.
  4. Follow instructions in the file

Data Organization in Spreadsheets

Data Organization in Spreadsheets

Data Organization in Spreadsheets

Read the paper (it’s part of your homework), but you can also:

Data Organization in Spreadsheets

But, especially apply it to your data


Data Organization in Spreadsheets

Why? Because following a set of rules for organizing data everyone’s live a little better.

  • 3rd most viewed paper on The American Statistician
  • 310’000+ views
  • widely accepted as minimal standards

Data Organization in Spreadsheets

License? CC0 (!)

Homework assignments module 4

Module 4 documentation

Homework due date

  • Homework assignment due: Wednesday, March 20th
  • Correction & feedback phase up to: Tuesday, March 26th


Thanks! 🌻

Slides created via revealjs and Quarto: Access slides as PDF on GitHub

All material is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International.