Interaction with GitHub
Step 1: Set up a GitHub Personal Access Token
Here are the step-by-step instructions to set up a GitHub personal access token:
Treat your access tokens like passwords and keep them secure (e.g. a password managing software).
- Log in to your GitHub account.
- Click on your profile picture in the top-right corner of the page.
- Select “Settings” from the dropdown menu.
- In the left sidebar, click on “Developer settings”.
- Click on “Personal access tokens”.
- Click on “Tokens (classic)”.
- Click on “Generate new token” and from the dropdown menu select “Generate new token (classic)”.
- In the “Note” field, give your token the name: GITHUB_PAT
- Under Expiration, select “No expiration”
- Under “Select scopes”, select: repo, workflow, user
- Click on “Generate token”.
- Your personal access token will be displayed on the screen. Copy it and store it in a safe place.
Remember to treat your access tokens like passwords and keep them secure (e.g. a password manager software).
We will use this GitHub PAT in class next week.