Module 10


Learning Objectives

  1. Learners can produce a research question that adheres to the FINER and PICOT frameworks
  2. Learners can identify pitfalls associated with four types of questionnaire formats
  3. Learners can clean and summarise different types of questionnaire-generated data
  4. Learners can identify quality criteria for their own data collection tool

Class Overview

  1. During class we will be using the files in this folder:  there are four different .csv files for you to work with:
    1. 01_binary.csv
    2. 02_likert.csv
    3. 03_multi-choice.csv
    4. 04_text.csv
  2. There is also a corresponding summary file (e.g. 01_binary_summary) with a tab for each group (groups from last week:  wtp, compost, air, coops)
  3. Your group will
    1. Download a data set
    2. See what kind of data it is, and develop a corresponding research question (add to summary table)
    3. Clean the data (use R, Excel, python, etc:  whatever you like) and note your process and any challenges you faced, and how you addressed them (add to summary table)
    4. Analyse the data in a way that answers your research question (add result to summary table)
  4. We will discuss the pros and cons of each question type
  5. You will develop your own questionnaire to answer your research question

Class schedule

Here is the schedule for May 2:

start end Topic Activity
12:15 12:25 Intro and Welcome
12:25 12:45 Research questions Group discussions
12:45 13:00 Debugging
13:00 13:15 Break
13:15 14:00 4 question types Group work
14:00 14:15 Break
14:15 15:00 Consolidation


Please complete the following assignment by Wednesday, 15th May 2024.