Module 4 - Assignment 1

Data organization in spreadsheets

This course introduces learners to tools and workflows for data science with R. Learners are also introduced to the concept of collaborative writing and coding using git and GitHub within the context of reproducible documents (i.e. Quarto). So far we have used data that is well structured and ready to be used. However, in reality a lot of data entry and storage is still managed in spreadsheets. This is why we also touch on some (research) data management topics (Data Organization in Spreadsheet).

The reading for this assignment provides guidance for data entry and storage aspects. It offers practical recommendations for organizing spreadsheet data to reduce errors and ease later analyses.

Task 1: Read and prepare examples

For this assignment, we ask you to:

  1. Read Broman and Woo (2018): “Data organization in spreadsheets”.
  2. Chose two of the recommendations and come up with real-world examples or scenarios where the recommendations could be applied in your work.
  3. Be prepared to share these examples and explain how the recommendations would improve your workflows. This will be in a class setting as part of small discussion group (max 3 people).

Task 2: Apply the recommendations to your samples data from Module 3

Have you completed the assignments for module 3?

A pre-requisite for this homework is that you worked through the “Spreadsheet” assignment of module 3. If you have not done so, please do this firss:

  1. Open the rbtl-fs24 workspace on
  2. Re-open your samples-USERNAME repository.
  3. Create a new .R file and save it as data_cleaning.R in the folder.
  4. Add library(tidyverse) to the top of the file.
  5. Add library(googlesheets4) to the top of the file.
  6. Use the read_sheet() function to read in your Google Sheets spreadsheet and store it in an object called samples.
  7. Use the glimpse() function to inspect the data.
  8. Try to use R functions to apply the recommendations from the reading to your data. Note down recommendations that you struggled to achieve.
Writing code in .R scripts

An .R script is a file containing R code that can be executed in the R environment, primarily used for defining functions, data manipulation, and running analyses. A .qmd file, associated with Quarto, is a more advanced document format that integrates R code with narrative text, allowing for the creation of dynamic, formatted reports or presentations that can include both the code and its output.

Imagine it as one single code-chunk without narrative text. Comments can be added using the # symbol.


The following is an example of a dataset that follows the recommendations from the reading.

id date_sample system location users ts
1 2023-11-01 pit latrine household 5 136.24
2 2023-11-01 pit latrine household 7 102.45
3 2023-11-01 pit latrine household NA 57.02
4 2023-11-01 pit latrine household 6 27.03
5 2023-11-01 pit latrine household 12 97.27
6 2023-11-02 septic tank household 7 78.21
7 2023-11-02 septic tank household 14 15.24
8 2023-11-02 septic tank household 4 29.39
9 2023-11-02 septic tank household 10 64.22
10 2023-11-02 septic tank household 12 8.01
11 2023-11-03 pit latrine public toilet 50 11.24
12 2023-11-03 pit latrine public toilet 32 84.05
13 2023-11-03 pit latrine public toilet 41 55.92
14 2023-11-03 pit latrine public toilet 160 15.32
15 2023-11-03 pit latrine public toilet 20 22.65
16 2023-11-04 septic tank public toilet 26 8.72
17 2023-11-04 septic tank public toilet 91 43.92
18 2023-11-04 septic tank public toilet 68 10.37
19 2023-11-04 septic tank public toilet 112 23.21
20 2023-11-04 septic tank public toilet 59 15.64

Task 3: Create new folders

  1. Navigate to the Files tab in the bottom right window of RStudio.
  2. Click on the “Folder” button.
  3. Enter the name “data” in field and click OK.
  4. Click on the new data folder in the bottom right window.
  5. Click on the “Folder” button.
  6. Enter the name “processed” in field and click OK.
  7. Click on the new processed folder in the bottom right window.

Task 4: Write processed data

Once you completed the data cleaning tasks from Task 2, write your processed data into the new data/processed folder:

  1. In your data_cleaning.R file, write R code to apply the recommendations from the reading to your data.
  2. Use the assignment operator <- to store the processed data in a new object named data_out.
  3. Use the write_csv() function to write the data_out object to the data/processed folder.
write_csv(data_out, "data/processed/waste-characterisation-processed.csv")

Task 5: Submit homework assignment

  1. Add all files to the commit, commit the changes with a meaningful commit message, and push the changes to GitHub.
  2. Open an issue on GitHub on your samples-USERNAME repo and tag the course instructor @larnsce.


Broman, Karl W., and Kara H. Woo. 2018. “Data Organization in Spreadsheets.” The American Statistician 72 (1): 2–10.