Module 4 - Assignment 2

Surveys with Google Forms

Step 1: Create a folder in shared drive

  1. Open the following link to a Google Drive folder:
  2. Open the md-04 folder.
  3. Create a new folder and use your GitHub username as the name of the folder.
  4. Enter your folder.
  5. Create a Google Form and name it rbtl-fs24-waste-survey.

Step 2: Create a waste management survey


The task is to create a survey using Google Forms to gather information on waste management practices among university students. The survey should include a variety of question types and incorporate skip logic to direct respondents based on their answers.


  1. Open the form you created in Step 1 of this assignment.

  2. Design the survey:

  • The survey should contain 5 to 10 questions.
  • Include at least three different types of questions (e.g., multiple choice, linear scale, checkboxes, short answer).
  1. Implement skip logic for one question:
  • Use skip logic for a question with two alternatives, directing respondents to different sections based on their answer (this feature is only available for multiple choice and dropdown question types.)
Question: How to use skip logic in Google Forms survey?
  1. Some example questions:
  • Multiple choice (with skip logic): “Do you currently separate your waste for recycling?”
    • If “Yes,” skip to questions about recycling habits.
    • If “No,” skip to questions about barriers to recycling.
  • Checkboxes: “Which of the following materials do you recycle? (Select all that apply)”
    • Options: Paper, Plastic, Glass, Metal, Electronics, Organic Waste.
  • Short answer: “What challenges do you face in managing waste effectively?”
Tips for creating a survey
  • Keep questions clear and concise.
  • Ensure skip logic enhances the survey experience and does not confuse respondents.
  • Consider privacy and anonymity when collecting responses.
  1. Advice on sections and flow:
  • Create distinct sections in your form for different topics, such as recycling habits, general waste disposal.
  • Ensure the flow of the survey is logical and that skip logic is correctly implemented.
  1. Finalizing and testing:
  • Review your survey to ensure all questions are clear and the skip logic functions as intended.
  • Test the survey by filling it out yourself and making adjustments as needed.
  1. Prepare description
  • Write up a brief (2 to 3 sentence) description at the top of the form about your survey’s purpose and the insights you hope to gain from the responses.

Step 3: Create a new repository on GitHub

  1. Open the GitHub Organisation for the course
  2. Create a new repository and name it: survey-USERNAME`. Replace USERNAME with your GitHub username. Avoid using spaces.

Step 4: Open an issue on GitHub

  1. Open an issue on GitHub on your survey-USERNAME repo
  2. Paste the link to your survey in the body of the issue and tag the course instructor @larnsce.